Chiefs vs. Bucs Super Bowl 55 odds, props, bets: Patrick Mahomes vs. LeBron James, Jayson Tatum, Donovan Mitchell NBA cross-sport options

How will Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes fare vs. a trio of NBA stars in William Hill Sportsbook cross-sport props with Super Bowl 55?

Matt Severance

There are hundreds of Super Bowl 55 prop bets available at William Hill Sportsbook for Sunday's Kansas City Chiefs vs. Tampa Bay Bucs game from Tampa, and some of the most interesting ones are cross-sport props. Let's examine a few options for Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes against NBA All-Stars LeBron James of the Lakers, Jayson Tatum of the Celtics and Donovan Mitchell of the Jazz. Needless to say, these bets are only active if those NBA players actually take the court and don't sit for rest, injury or COVID reasons.

LeBron's Lakers host the Detroit Pistons at 10 p.m. ET Saturday. It's not the front or back end of a back-to-back so there's no reason to believe that James will sit it out – he has played every game this season as it is. The cross-sport prop is LeBron's total points, rebounds and assists vs. Detroit at -110 against Mahomes' total pass attempts at -110.

Mahomes' season high of pass attempts was 49 in Kansas City's 27-24 victory at the Bucs in Week 12. His low of attempts was 23 in Week 7 when the Chiefs won easily 43-16 in Denver. Mahomes averaged 39.2 attempts during the regular season and is averaging 34.0 in these playoffs. LeBron is averaging 25.1 points, 7.8 rebounds and 7.7 assists –  a combined total of around 40.6. Keep in mind that the Pistons stink so LeBron could be pulled early if the game is out of reach.

Tatum's Celtics visit Phoenix on Super Bowl Sunday (2 p.m. ET) and Tatum is given a moneyline price of -110 for total points scored at +0.5 against Mahomes' total completions at -0.5 (-110). Tatum is among the NBA's leading scorers at 26.8 ppg as of this writing with a season low of 16 and a high of 40. Mahomes averaged 26.0 completions during the season (high of 37 vs. Tampa and low of 15 vs. Denver) and 25.0 completions in the playoffs.

Finally, Mitchell's Jazz are at Indiana on Super Bowl Sunday (1 p.m. ET) with Mitchell given a price of -110 at -1.5 total points scored against Mahomes at +1.5 total rushing yards. Mitchell is averaging 23.0 points this season (as of today) with a high of 36 and low of 9. Mahomes averaged 20.5 rushing yards in the regular season with a high 37 and low of zero (twice). He has 19 yards on eight carries in two playoff games, hampered by an injured toe.

There are no NBA or NHL games scheduled directly opposite Super Bowl 55 for obvious reasons. There are a couple of lower-tier college basketball games scheduled during the game, and Cal is set to visit rival Stanford in Pac-12 action at 10 p.m. ET, which should be fairly late in the Super Bowl – trust me when I tell you that many gamblers are thrilled to have an event to wager on after the Super Bowl and potentially add to their bankroll. It's very rare to have that opportunity on Super Bowl Sunday.

Free NFL picks: Mahomes over James and Tatum but Mitchell over Mahomes 

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